my son is four years old ..his father dropped him off a few weeks ago with a head of blueberrie blue hair!!! i wanted to smack his father
what would you do?
My sons father dyed his hair blue?
A good hairdresser can fix it. He may have done it just to aggravate you. If that's the case, I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. It may be one of those dyes that washes out in a few shampoos. A little blue hair dye is harmless compared to things he could have done. Not saying what he did was right, I'd be pretty mad too.
My sons father dyed his hair blue?
ask him what was he thinking
My sons father dyed his hair blue?
Take him to your hair dresser and have them fix it. Why did he do it I would have asked his father?
My sons father dyed his hair blue?
I'd smack him!
My sons father dyed his hair blue?
So would I!!
My sons father dyed his hair blue?
take pics of this then dy it back to his coler and let the father no he will be going to court if he ever pulls that agin mabe you could prove him unfit
My sons father dyed his hair blue?
Is he in a band or something? How old is He? past 30 I would be thinking he needs help but if he's still in his 20's it's really not a big deal. He's probably just trying to find his identity in different things.
My sons father dyed his hair blue?
it's his call
My sons father dyed his hair blue?
It's freedom of expression, and since he is obviously no longer in your life, you have no say.
Since you do, however, have influence in your son's life, you just have to tell him that you don't appreciate Blue hair, and how difficult it would be to get an employer/teacher/autoritive figure to take you seriously if you have blue hair.
To make yourself feel better, you can think to yourself, "Thank God that I don't have to be seen in public with Mr. Blue Hair"
K well have a good day !
My sons father dyed his hair blue?
ask him y, then make him dye it old iz he n e wayz?
My sons father dyed his hair blue?
Dye the kids hair green and see what he thinks.
My sons father dyed his hair blue?
Who cares? If he doesn't mind getting laughed at and made fun of, then let him keep the blue hair. But personally speaking, I'd have smacked him a good one first before attempting to ignore the new hair color.
My sons father dyed his hair blue?
Well it is his hair..... unfortunately you cannot give him a common sense injection.
My sons father dyed his hair blue?
I'd laugh and say you are so inmature
My sons father dyed his hair blue?
He can do what he wants.
It's none of your business now!
As long as he continues to be a good father,whats the problem.
I have a 65 year old mother who dyes her hair blue, as do all her friends. Does this mean I should slap her.
You have the problem, not him.
He sounds like he's having fun now he's free.
My sons father dyed his hair blue?
Heh. And? Big deal. Be glad he didn't dye the boy's hair. The color is the HARDEST to set in hair. It bleeds all over everything (sheets, clothing) and fades rather quickly. You failed to mention the ages of you two (the parents) or the general area where you live. Believe it or not, this makes a difference.
My sons father dyed his hair blue?
My sons father dyed his hair blue?
give him a mirror.
if he likes what he sees, its his call.
if he's shocked, smack him and send him to a salon asap.
My sons father dyed his hair blue? the kid's hair blue or the father's?
If it is the kid's...the father should have asked you first but I don't see it as a huge deal. It will fade. It is just hair.
If it is the father's hair then who cares. What is wrong with blue hair. And to do the idiot who made the comment that she'd be concerned if he was in his 30s--what the hell does that mean? Those comments always irritate me. I have black hair with purple and blue stripes. I'm 31 and expecting my third baby. I also have three tattoos and at one point had 17 piercings. I acquired most of these in my mid 20s. Is there like a magic switch that goes off at 30 that means I have to suddenly wear sweater sets and floral skirts? I suddenly have to change my interests because I'm 30? I've always liked body art, colored hair, cargo pants and converse all stars. I'll continue to be this way because that is me--no matter what my age is.
My sons father dyed his hair blue?
It's his hair. Yuo could have asked him if it was permanent. He might have been going to a party, or done ity for a dare, or one of his friends could have done it when he was asleep. There's no need to hit him though.
My sons father dyed his hair blue?
It's just hair. It will grow. Pick your battles; this one is MINOR.
My sons father dyed his hair blue?
This is a classic reason why you have to make your questions more clear. I finally see now that you were talkinga bout your ex dying your 4 yr old son's hair blue. At first it looked like you were upset at the father for dying his own hair blue. If he is the custodial parent(ie, the boy lives with him most) then I guess technically he can do whatever but it would be only right of him to ask you first. YOu could go back to court %26amp; ask them to make an addendum to your agreement that says that you have to have both parents written permission to do anythign drastic to the child.(wild hair colors, cuts, piercings, etc) I personally wouldn't have a big problem with it, it's only hair %26amp; will grow out %26amp; fade. If it's that big of a deal to you then just take him %26amp; have it dyed back to it's original color.
My sons father dyed his hair blue?
dying a child's hair can be dangerous...if the two of you aren't together I would suggest consulting a lawyer. At 33 this "father" should know better and should have used some common sense. He obviously isn't using any and I would be hesitant about leaving my child with a person like this.
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