My daughter is 10 and wants a blue streak in her hair. I think it will look cute and I'm going to take her Saturday. Would you let your child streak their hair? We will use the kind that washes out in about a month, not a permanant color. My brother pretty much told me I was a bad mother for letting her do it. You know, it's just hair. And it will wash out.
Daughter wants a blue streak in her hair?
Get her the Conair hair streaker it is easy to use fun and washable!!!!!It comes with 11 colors...I will send u a links.. One is the actual streaker and the other one is a beader. they are kind-of expensive but ..w.e.! Your brother can't tell you what to do with your kids!!!! Don't let it get to you. I think you are a good mom!! E-mail me if you need anything else!!
P.S. i think the first one is a good deal cuz it comes with a touch-up brush and even 2 AA barteries.. What more can ya ask for?
Daughter wants a blue streak in her hair?
It's hair, it grows out.
Though if she has dark hair they will likely bleech the hair first, which is permenant.
Daughter wants a blue streak in her hair?
Its more important that she is happy.It wont hurt her. ;O)
Daughter wants a blue streak in her hair?
no she is two young let her wait till she is about 16
Daughter wants a blue streak in her hair?
I would absolutely not let my child put a blue streak in her hair.
Daughter wants a blue streak in her hair?
I personally don't like it, but if my daughter really wanted it, I wouldn't fight it.
Daughter wants a blue streak in her hair?
I don't see anything wrong with it. It's just one streak and she's quite young. Sounds cute to me.
Daughter wants a blue streak in her hair?
I think it's good you let your child express herself... it's nice that she can ask you about things like this
Daughter wants a blue streak in her hair?
You are not a bad mother and no one has the right to say that to you. If your daughter wants to express herself by adding a blue streak to her hair and you allow it, then go ahead. As long as it's not permanent and won't leave any permanent damage to her hair it's absolutely fine.
Daughter wants a blue streak in her hair?
I am all about letting my girls express themselves I just help direct them in a positive creative manner. - for useful healthy info
Daughter wants a blue streak in her hair?
I think its a great idea to let her make this desicion. Its good that she has individuality. Plus its a wash out, its not hurting anything. And even if it was permanent, hair grows and can be cut and re-dyed.
Daughter wants a blue streak in her hair?
Sure, why not. As long as she knows that some kids are going to tease her. She just needs to feel good about what she did with her hair.
Daughter wants a blue streak in her hair?
Hair color is not a big deal. It isn't permanent. Your hair grows and it can be cut.
I think it is good to let your child have control over these types of things. Let her express herself and maybe she won't rebel by doing destructive things.
Daughter wants a blue streak in her hair?
no, you're not a bad mother at all. Letting your child express her individuality is excellent! If her hair is dark it will hardly be that noticeably.
Daughter wants a blue streak in her hair?
good for you!! you are letting your daughter express herself. hair is nothing to fight over. like you said, it'll wash out. i wish more parents could be more like you. if i had brought up the subject of dying my hair blue, when i was a kid, my mom would have freaked. i wasn't even allowed to highlight my hair until i was like 16 or then i was pretty much emancipated. i have 2 sons of my own now, and i'm going to pretty much do it like you...if it wont kill them, then let them do it.
good for you!
tell your brother to get a life, and butt out of yours.
Daughter wants a blue streak in her hair?
Yes, I would let my daughter get it done.
And No you are not a bad parent.
Daughter wants a blue streak in her hair?
i would..its just hair..its supposed to fun when your young...its like letting your kids wear costumes long as they are happy...let kids be kids..theyre going to grow up eventually
Daughter wants a blue streak in her hair?
You are exactly right it's jsut hair and it will wash out. Plus she doesn't want o die her whold head blue just streak it. Its a teenagers way of making them self an individual (and trendy). My mom always said she would rather let us do that to our hair than have us rebelling in some other way which could be a hundred times worse......because after all it is not permanent(say --like a tattoo!) and most teenage girls want to do it at one time or another. Don't listen to your brother. Just because he wouldn't let his child do it doesn't mean you have to follow his parenting style. He's being an @ss!!
Daughter wants a blue streak in her hair?
why don't you go to a chinese beauty supply and buy a piece of blue hair and glue it in? It's inexpensive and it won't damage her hair, and she could get as many diffrent colors as she wants!
Daughter wants a blue streak in her hair?
I think it's cool..It may draw unwanted or wanted attention which can stem off and cause a learned behavior but hey it's fun as long as she is respectable about it and handles herself well, could be a exciting experience what a blue streak in your hair can do...take care and God bless.
Daughter wants a blue streak in her hair?
honestly, i don't have any kids but i would let her. it shows her personality and it also let her know that she can be confortable with you on a personal problem but then it can be looked at if i can do this what else can i do? maybe that is why he is saying you are a bad mother for it. but it is your child not his and it is temp. and also its not like it is pushing her into drugs or alcohol or anything like that. now you school may have a problem with it. just so you know. some do.
Daughter wants a blue streak in her hair?
let her do it! the way kids are today if all she wants to do is get a blue streak i say you have a pretty good kid! let's face it 10 year old kids aren't like we were when we were 10! tell your brother watch the news and read the papers to see what some of these 10 year olds are doing! tell him get with the times!besides she's your child not his!
Daughter wants a blue streak in her hair?
Sure I'd let her streak her hair, at her age she is looking for some Independence and giving her a little lee way will show her how much you respect her ideas and wants. In the long run I believe it will be beneficial to your relationship.
Daughter wants a blue streak in her hair?
What about just a clip-in extension?
That way she can change it out, and omit it altogether for things like school or church, if you attend. My daughter has all sorts of faux hair pieces which are great in their own situations, and also allows her (and me!) to change her mind at any time with no commitment.
Daughter wants a blue streak in her hair?
I think its a really cool way of expressing herself but you are the mother and you should make the desicion dont let your 10 year old influence your answer you are the adult
Daughter wants a blue streak in her hair?
I wouldn't allow my 10 year old to put chemicals in her hair because it can damage it.
Daughter wants a blue streak in her hair?
That doesn't make you a bad mother, just be careful this might lead to bigger things. Good Luck
Daughter wants a blue streak in her hair?
I don't think it is a matter of it ruining her hair. You are setting her up for a lifetime of altering her appearance to be "cool". This may end up causing her to need that alteration to her appearance to have self confidence. Of course she is your child and you know what she is like now, so you are the best person to know how this might affect her in the long run. Personally I don't think I would let my little one do that.
Daughter wants a blue streak in her hair?
This sort of thing tends to get out of hand. Just be careful about what she will ask you for next.
Daughter wants a blue streak in her hair?
have someone pop one out on her head for a fraction of the price, it'll grow back someday
Daughter wants a blue streak in her hair?
im a 16 year old teenager and im gettin a streak done, for teens my age its mostly about being different and havin funn - I have never done anythin radicle in my life so a streak in my hair would be a big change, my hair has never been treated with highlights or anything like that - Honostly I dont see anything bad with it, of course of not seeing it from a mothers point of view, but my mother is not upset or has said no, shes taking me to her salon to get it done, I think their are worse things than one streak in your hair like a tatoo, nose/naval piercing. Hair grows out and if you daughter gets tired of it, it can be cut and of course it will grow out