i just died my hair brown and i was wondering what colors would bring out the blue in my eyes and looks really good with brown hair
What color eye shawdow is best for blue eyes wth brown hair?
i think any colour would go nicely, but i could definelty see like more in the beige and gold.
What color eye shawdow is best for blue eyes wth brown hair?
I use shimmery nude color's on my eyes. (light color) with a few different color eyeshadow's as accents. (usually matching my outfit). I find that Pink helps them pop. :)
What color eye shawdow is best for blue eyes wth brown hair?
purples and greens.
go to covergirl.com and you can put in your eyecolour.
also almay.com, and they even send you a sample.
What color eye shawdow is best for blue eyes wth brown hair?
Bluish-green (like, and aqua kinda color) might look good. I would need to see a pic of you to know fully... Besides, I'm only ten......
What color eye shawdow is best for blue eyes wth brown hair?
I use a shimmering brown or a shimmering black at night. It mostly about the shading. Darker in the crease and lighter by the brow.
What color eye shawdow is best for blue eyes wth brown hair?
light purples look really beautiful! Go to Marykay.com ( no, I promise you I dont sell it!,lol) but they have a 'virtual makeover' thing where you choose pictures of faces that most resemble your face shape and hair and eye color and you can experiment with different colors and looks, it was really cool and it might help with some color ideas : )
What color eye shawdow is best for blue eyes wth brown hair?
blue, green and purple
What color eye shawdow is best for blue eyes wth brown hair?
get almay "i-color" for blue eyes! it brings out the blue and the colors work with any hair color. they make mascara and eyeliner AND eyeshadow. It works extremely well i have green eyes and i love it, but my friend has blue eyes and she swears by it as well! i will find you the link. It is a very good line however because they do the thinking for you! You can buy it anywhere: target, walmart, drugstores and it isnt very pricy but it is good quality!
What color eye shawdow is best for blue eyes wth brown hair?
Blue is best.
It is for the eyes mainly.
It matches with brown.
Also use brownis sometimes.
Check to see how it suits the clothes you wear.
What color eye shawdow is best for blue eyes wth brown hair?
check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Eyeshadow - Makeup Tips
What color eye shawdow is best for blue eyes wth brown hair?
All shades of green will look great on you.So go green Gal!!
What color eye shawdow is best for blue eyes wth brown hair?
probably shimmery blues greens and purples
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